Bing Daily Wallpaper on Windows

This app is a much improved alternative to the classic Microsoft Bing Desktop. Its main features include but not limited to:

  • Express UI
  • Collection of daily pictures of 11 countries
  • Intelligent background download engine

Bing Daily Wallpaper on MacOS

This app is the macOS equivalent to the classic Microsoft Bing Desktop for Windows. In addition to the features of its Windows App edition, it also supports setting wallpaper on multiple monitors.

XLIFF Translator & Editor

This app automates tedious translation process of XLIFF strings by utilizing Google Translator service. It will save tons of time by laying a groundwork for fine manual translation.

ResX Editor & Translator

This utility app aims to ease tedious and painful work with Visual Studio localized resource files. Both classic RESX and new UWP RESW layouts are supported.

But is it not only an editor, it also integrates with Goolge Translator so that developers can quickly localize their apps with little effort and cost.

If you are a developer and already get tired of the builtin naive resource editor in Visual Studio IDE, then try this app!

Duplicate File Hunter

This is yet another duplicate file finder, but with some unique features.

  • It's super fast because the app optimizes file search using advanced techniques
  • Fuzzy mode is specifically tailored for large files
  • User can sort duplicate files by several options
  • User can quickly mark files by date or pattern with just a click

Duplicate File Hunter

Duplicate File Hunter on Windows which has same set of functionalities and features as the macOS version.

Bash Prompt Designer

Bash Prompt Designer is a WYSIWYG editor for designing Bash prompt script. It provides common tools to design colors and styles that are applicable to Bash prompt. The generated script is applicable to most Bash implementations found both in macOS and various Linux distros.

SQLite Names Extractor

SQLite Names Extractor is a small tool for developers. It extracts SQLite table and field names, and generates C/C++/Objective-C #define constants. This way developers won't have to do a lot of tedious and repetitive typing.